Homeopathy is a curative practice in which medicines arouse your individual innate restorative forces of healing. Allopathic anti-inflammatory medicines have nothing to do with Microbes and it only gives you relief at the cost of your Immunity. Homeopathy cures disease by giving a tiny dose of a substance that, in large doses, would cause symptoms most similar to that Disease. Surprisingly, the tiny dose cures the Cause of Disease and even increases your Immunity for future defense from microbes
Dr. S.S. Tanwar MD (Hom.)
Emeritus Staff Dr. MPK Homeopathic Medical College Jaipur, Health Educationalist, Autonomous, Instinctive, Enthusiastic Fact Analyst, A Scientist who needs no Counterfeit Platform, With his own school of contemplation derived from Clinical experience, language of nature and history of medicine. Is follower of scientific truth, averse to hypothesis? Who struggle for the foundation of individual health? Dr S S Tanwar widely regarded as the pioneer of the Homeopathic Medicine Movement, is a renowned practitioner of Homoeopathy for last 23 years. Dr. Tanwar Completed M.D (Hom) Post Graduation Degree in Homoeopathy in year 1998. Right form the beginning of his medical education he recognized the values of treating the whole human being consisting of the physical, mental, spiritual and social aspect of the individual. He is a resolute in his pursuit of the most advanced healing techniques through Homoeopathy.
Homeopathy is a curative practice in which medicines arouse your individual innate restorative forces of healing. Allopathic anti-inflammatory medicines have nothing to do with Microbes and it only gives you relief at the cost of your Immunity. Homeopathy cures disease by giving a tiny dose of a substance that, in large doses, would cause symptoms most similar to that Disease. Surprisingly, the tiny dose cures the Cause of Disease and even increases your Immunity for future defense from microbes
Dr. S.S. Tanwar MD (Hom.)

2. Completely safe: Even babies and pregnant women can use it without the danger of side effects.
3. Natural: Remedies are usually based on natural ingredients.
3. Harmony with your body: Remedies work in harmony with your immune system, unlike some conventional medicines, which suppress immunity.
4. Not addictive: Once relief is achieved, you can stop taking the remedy.If you get no relief, you are probably taking the incorrect homeopathic remedy.
5. Holistic: All of your symptoms are treated at once, which is another way of saying your whole body is being treated. The focus is on the cause of your disorders, not the suppression of individual symptoms.
Basic Principles of Homeopathy :Like cures like OR Let Likes be treated by Likes: Substances that produce symptoms when given in large doses can clear up those symptoms curing disease when the substances are given in micro-doses.Symptoms indicate healing: Symptoms represent the body's effort to heal itself as described earlier. Therefore, symptoms are stimulated to complete the curative process.Homeopathic remedies are based on "proving": Medicinal substances are given to healthy people in small doses to assess how the substances influence their physiology. These proving continue until the healing potential of the substance is revealed.The totality of the symptoms is considered: Your complete symptom profile is taken into account, including mental, emotional, and physical aspects.A single remedy is given: One homeopathic medicine is chosen most of the times to perfectly match the totality of your symptoms.A minimum of doses is given: Only a small stimulus is needed to stimulate your innate healing powers.The homeopathic remedies are micro-doses: Homeopathic medicines are processed potentised to minute dosages in which there may be no remaining physical trace of the original substance.
What Is Homeopathy? and MoreHomeopathy is a curative practice in which homeopathic medicines arouse and support your individual innate restorative forces of healing. It is one of the most extensively used systems of internal medicine in the globe.
The diversity between Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine:-The concept of homeopathic medication was developed nearly 200 years ago by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. Homeopathy is derived from the Greek words meaning "similar suffering". Like Hippocrates 2,000 years earlier, he realized that there were two ways of therapeutic medication: the method of contrary (allopathic) and the method of similar (homeopathic).
Conventional medicine is "allopathic" medicine. Consider Fever as an example. The allopathic or conventional approach is to give an antipyretic drug. The hypothalamic temperature regulatory set point is reset downward by antipyretics. Vasodilatation and sweating dissipate heat through radiation and conduction from the skin, to induce artificial normal body temperature, which frequently may help microbes (disease force) to multiply freely and to access more vital organs of the living being like Brain, Heart, Lungs, Kidney, Liver and pancreas etc.
Do you know Allopathic antipyretic anti-inflammatory medicines have nothing to do with Microbes (the cause of sickness) and it only gives you relief at the cost of your Immunity.
In contrast, the Homeopathic approach is to treat a case of Fever disease by giving Sick Folk a tiny dose of a substance that, in large doses, would cause symptoms most similar to that of fever disease of Sick Folk in a healthy person. Surprisingly, the tiny dose cures the Cause of Fever and even increases your Immunity for future defense from microbes.
Contact Us

Dr. S.S. Tanwar MD (Hom.) Gold Medalist
446/2, Homeopathy Bhawan, Behind S.S. Jewellers,
Adarsh Nagar, New Railway Road, Gurgaon
Contact No :
09313967774, 0124-4268457, 09818406648

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